one to one qualified, professional pet dog training and behaviour solutions in Lewisham, Greenwich, Bromley, Bexley.

together adopted from overseas

Creating a safe world for your adopted dog from overseas. If you are feeling overwhelmed or need help and support.


together adopted from overseas


My dog is...

  • rescued or adopted from outside the UK

Specialist support and guidance to help you and your dog transition to your new life together.

Changing behaviour to change lives.



Adopting a dog can bring significant changes to your life but adopting a dog from overseas may bring extra challenges. We offer a specialised, experienced and supportive service to help you and your new family member create a new partnership. A new safe world for your dog in which you can grow together.



Assessment Consultation for Dogs Adopted from Overseas

As you and your dog begin your new partnership together you will be finding out about each other in real time. You may not have met your dog before or have any information about their background. Your dog may behave in ways you didn’t expect or feel prepared for. No matter how difficult or awful your dog’s previous life may have been, that was the world they knew. Now your dog might be living in a very different world. They might be living in a house for the first time. The sights, the sounds, and the way people may behave around them may all be very different and new. Sometimes this process of change may be easy. Sometimes your dog may feel very scared and have difficulty. Living with a dog who is fearful may feel very upsetting or worrying. We all want to do the best for our dogs, you may need some specialist help, so this is where we come in.

At Together we don’t make ethical or value judgements about you, your dog or your situation. Our starting point is always that your dog is precious and a valued member of your family. You may need some specialist guidance to help your dog. So we start from the here and now. We work with you to plan the pathway forward. We use all our knowledge and skill to partner with you to help your dog feel safe in their new world. 

We are experienced in working with clients who may be very distressed or feeling desperate about their dog. Please don’t feel embarrassed, we understand that a dog’s behaviour can be confusing, worrying or frightening.



Behaviour Counselling Sessions

When we work with fearful or anxious dogs or dogs using aggressive behaviour to try to protect themselves from something scary or unknown, we work with the whole dog and the environment they are living in. We know that addressing all aspects of a dog’s life produces the best outcome. Ethical behaviour modification techniques change how your dog feels about frightening things. Positive reinforcement training empowers your dog to make choices about their behaviour. Mental enrichment contributes to your dog's engagement with their new world. Working at your dog’s current comfort level enhances their feeling of safety. We put your dog's emotional and behavioural well-being at the heart of our work together.

Meg was adopted in April 2018. She originally came from Romania.

Meg was adopted in April 2018. She originally came from Romania.

It’s life changing for me & Meg
— Meg and Shirley